I have an RC car and it works with the remote. I opened it up and there are 2 potentiometers for the left-right and up-down.
I am familiar with the pin configuration ground-analog-+5
I can read the value of it when i hook them all up to the arduino.
I want to be able to write a value to the board in the rc controller that will somewhat simulate the value of the potentiometer.
When I do this it wont work. I dont know where to put the Positive and negative wires that go to the potetiometer in the remote. Do I leave them connected to the remote board or plug them into the arduino. Nether seems to work.
a potentiometer can vary any voltage inside an electronic device, not necessary a voltage of 0..5V. Without a wiring diagram there is no big chance to control the car from the analog outputs of the arduino. If there is no wiring diagram available, try to make one by yourself from the pcb.
im confused on how i would make one from the pcb. Is there no way to send data that would be coming from the potentiometer but send it from the arduino?
you could try wiring the arduino ground to the board ground. then the pwm pin to a small capacitor between ground and the pin and then the pwm pin to the analog input. you need the capacitor to smooth out the pulses. im not to familiar with it and you might need some resistors. try looking up pwm smoothing.
The RC transmitter might not be using the pot as an analog input the way an Arduino does: it could be using it as a resistor in a timing circuit to generate the servo pulse.
So generating an analog output might not work, and could even damage the transmitter.
You need to find a local electronics geek to help you poke around inside it, and find out how it works. You might need to buy some digital pots, and use those as your "simulated joysticks".