analog pin like digital pin

I am using the arduino ethernet and I want to know if I can use whatever analog pin like digital output pin

which could be the code?

Yes you can.
A0 to A5 are D14 to D19.

On the Arduino UNO (and earlier) boards using the ATmega168/328 the analog input pins 0 through 5 can be referenced as digital pins 14 through 19.

Warning: On other boards the analog pins map to other digital pin numbers. It's best to use A0, A1, A2, etc. so that your code will work on other boards.

pinMode(A0, OUTPUT);
pinMode(A3, INPUT_PULLUP);

digitalWrite(A0, digitalRead(A3));

Warning: Some boards have A6 and A7 pins which cannot be used as digital pins.

you do not need any special code or just programing like :

int led = 14;

void setup()

void loop()

this code is correct?


The name "led" might be a special keyword, change it if the IDE shows it as a funny color.
like led14 or something simple.

As already pointed out, but important to repeat: Instead of 14, use "A0".

That way when you read the code, you know exactly which pins on the board you mean.