Analog Pin MOSFET 120v Source

Hey everyone, I'm looking for some advice on a project. Keep in mind I'm new when it comes to understanding circuits/electrical components

Basically I'm trying to place a MOSFET in between an inverter (110-120v) and some EL wire to allow full adjustment to the intensity of the light based on the output from an analog pin. I'm a bit confused as to whether a MOSFET alone will be able to perform the task. I can't find a MOSFET that will work with a 120v source that also has a gate range of 0-5v (or in other words the arduino can fully open the MOSFET).

There is a very likely possibility that I'm misunderstanding the data sheets and that there are MOSFETs that will work with an arduino. I currently have a TRIAC on order but that will only allow the arduino to control the EL wire to be on or off.

Thanks in advance.

in between an inverter (110-120v) and some EL wire to allow full adjustment to the intensity of the light

inverter output is ac, and mosfet is working with dc.
apple <> orange

So MOSFET is a no go. Any other way to achieve the effect I'm looking for?

I guess you ask is how to dim EL wire.

  • EL wire requires a driver/inverter that can provide 400-2000 Hz, 60-120VAC (that's RMS not peak-to-peak!) Higher frequency/voltage results in a brighter wire
  • EL wire is capacitive, and cannot be PWM'ed or easily dimmed

Google "dim EL wire", you will find what you need.

Thanks for the quick replies. Seems beyond my current abilities at the moment so I'll just stick to the TRIAC I ordered.

I currently have a TRIAC on order but that will only allow the arduino to control the EL wire to be on or off.

Not so.
Whether this inverter will take kindly to triac-based control technique (operation) is a possible concern.

Are you just pointing out the potential issue with the inverter or something else when I said "on or off"?
I've heard about the possible concerns of running the inverter without the load of the EL wire connected but I haven't seen any actual manufacturer warnings or actual issues online.

Are you just pointing out the potential issue with the inverter or something else when I said "on or off"?

Yes to both, I think.
What's your level of experience with triacs?

I've heard about the possible concerns of running the inverter without the load of the EL wire connected but I haven't seen any actual manufacturer warnings or actual issues online.

The issuing issue that I was angling at [ :slight_smile: ] is how the inverter would perform given a phase controlled input.
It may be possible to do AC phase control of the inverter output, but the freqs mentioned by sonnyyu, 400-2000Hz, are pretty fast. All I've ever done is 60Hz.

good catch.

The output waveform of inverter, TRIAC support such frequency will be required very high dv/dt and pricy.
it is not smart move.

Plan B;-

Make dimmable inverter yourself.

HV850MG-G, Mouse, $2.05