I have a sketch that uses the standard 16x2 LCD. The original sketch works with the LCD being defined as:
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 13, 7, 6, 5, 4);
I would like to use some of the digital pins for a PWM output, so I thought I could use some PORTC pins (ADC input) for run the LCD. After poking around online a bit, it seems that the definition:
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 13, 18, 17, 16, 15); should have worked, but there is no display on the LCD.
What am I missing?
Also - I'm curious to know why the pinout for the display in 4-bit mode id D4..D7, (i.e. more significant bits as you go left to right) but the library definition has the opposite (i.e. less significant bits as you go left to right). I tried looking at the source code in the library folder, and it is even more confusing, as the only code I could find that seemed to deal with the 4-bit mode had D0-D3, with zeros in the D4-D7 positions. Obviously, as a non-OOP user, I am pretty much lost when it comes to class definitions, so any simple explanation would be appreciated!