analog read non sense

maybe i have my analog inputs damage, although i have never use them more than try them as example this time i need to control speed over a potenciometer, and my analog read its nonsense, i get random values even if im not moving the pot, even its the potenciometer its unwired, i get same random values.... any idea??

If you want help ,show us your complete sketch, a schematic of your circuit and an image of your wiring.
If your analog input is not wired properly you can get changing readings.

If you want help ,show us your complete sketch, a schematic of your circuit and an image of your wiring.
If your analog input is not wired properly you can get changing readings.

i dont have the arduino right now, when i get home i will post some photos

even its the potenciometer its unwired, i get same random values

So, it sounds like when you think you've got your pot connected, it isn't.
You should expect an unconnected pin to read random values.

i dont have the arduino right now, when i get home i will post some photos

Photos will probably be useless. What is needed is a drawing of how everything is connected. A photo of a clear pencil drawing will be fine.
