Thanks for your advices,
So I modify the code as you said :
For master :
// Déclaration des variables et librairies I2C
#include <Wire.h>
void setup()
Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus (address optional for master)
Serial.begin(115200); // start serial for output
void loop()
Wire.requestFrom(2, 2); // request 2 bytes from slave device #2
Serial.println("potentiometer value");
byte loByte;
byte hiByte;
if(Wire.available() >= 2) // slave may send less than requested
// char c = Wire.receive(); // test with char
// Serial.print(c);
hiByte = Wire.receive();
loByte = Wire.receive();
Serial.print("hiByte = ");
Serial.print("loByte = ");
int val = (hiByte << 8) + loByte;
for salve :
// Déclaration des variables et librairies I2C
#include <Wire.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define potPin 0 //
int readVal;
byte hi;
byte lo;
void setup()
// Communication I2C
Wire.onRequest(requestEvent); // register event
void loop()
readVal = analogRead(potPin);
hi = highByte(readVal);
lo = lowByte(readVal);
void requestEvent()
// respond with message of 2 bytes
// Wire.send("hello"); //test with char
With that program I made some test as you advice me :
I read that on the serial port (with the analog input connected to 5V):
potentiometer value
hiByte = 11111111
loByte = 11111111
(That is why I said this value sould be 1023 or 1024 because I connect the analog input 5V)
I read that on the serial port (with the analog input connected to 3V):
potentiometer value
hiByte = 10111100
loByte = 11111111
potentiometer value
hiByte = 10111101
loByte = 11111111
potentiometer value
hiByte = 11000001
loByte = 11111111
I read that on the serial port (with the analog input connected to 0V):
potentiometer value
hiByte = 0
loByte = 11111111
Then I try to send 1 with the slave and ask 2 with the master as you said, so I just comment this line (Wire.send(lo)) in the slave code :
void requestEvent()
// respond with message of 2 bytes
// Wire.send(lo);
// Wire.send("hello"); //test with char
I read that on the serial port (with the analog input connected to 5V):
potentiometer value
hiByte = 11
loByte = 11111111
I read that on the serial port (with the analog input connected to 3V):
potentiometer value
hiByte = 10
loByte = 11111111
I read that on the serial port (with the analog input connected to GND):
potentiometer value
hiByte = 0
loByte = 11111111
I also try to comment the other line (of course hiByte now mean display loByte on the serial port):
void requestEvent()
// respond with message of 2 bytes
// Wire.send(hi);
// Wire.send("hello"); //test with char
I read that on the serial port (with the analog input connected to 5V):
potentiometer value
hiByte = 11111111
loByte = 11111111
potentiometer value
hiByte = 11111110
loByte = 11111111
I read that on the serial port (with the analog input connected to 3V):
potentiometer value
hiByte = 10111011
loByte = 11111111
potentiometer value
hiByte = 10111101
loByte = 11111111
potentiometer value
hiByte = 10111010
loByte = 11111111
I read that on the serial port (with the analog input connected to 0V):
potentiometer value
hiByte = 0
loByte = 11111111
In the two last test were I send 1 and ask for 2 it's seems to correspond to what I expect but I didn't manage to hab both lo and hi correct in the same time, I tried to ask 3 bytes with the master and send hi and lo but it doesn't like the first test...
I hope these test will help ..