Analog to Digital Photo diode

June 17,2023
I need help.
I have installed a camera lens inside a drone, centered the image from the lens on an angel-titled mirror, controlled by a servo that is pointing the mirror down, and then sent the analog light signal I collected from the drone to a photo diode panel receiver. I want to convert that analog signal to a digital signal using an Arduino R3 UNO and display the image on a screen.
I have already completed the drone and camera lens setup.
My question is, regardless of the quality of the image, how do I connect the photo diode to the Arduino UNO to convert an analog signal to a digital signal and then display that image on a screen?

Or can I directly connect the photo diode to a digital screen without using the Arduino UNO?
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
I hope I posted this correctly,I could not find where to ask my question.
Thank You,
David Brown

What is the part number of the photodiode?
Usually you need a transimpedance amplifier to amplify and convert the photo current to a voltage.

Can you explain your question in simple English please?
It's a bit garbled

Depending on the light levels, there are two basic possibilities (low light circuit on the right):

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If you have enough light you could connect it to a digital pin. You may have to play with the pull up to get it correct. I have used them as light sensors with a pull Up/Down resistor and the junction of the resistor and diode went to the input of a 74HC14 schmitt inverter. This is a lot faster then using the A/D.

What is the analogRead() value of your phototransistor against a camera image on the lightest light space versus the darkest dark space?

If there is a large difference in dark versus light values, make a grid of phototransistors the same size as your camera's image and place that grid against the image, and then read the pins (yikes... need more pins)

It will be interesting if @daviddbrown replies.
He has never replied to his other two threads.

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

do you mean digital video signal?

June 18,2023
Thank you so much for your response and the information.
Thank You

June 18,2023
Thank you so much for the information.
Thank You

June 18,2023
Thank you so much for your response .
Thank You

June 18,2023
Thank you for the information.
Thank You

June 18,2023
Thank you for your time to my question.
Thank You

That was one possibility.

But still hasn't answered your queries, only mine.

Tom.... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

@TomGeorge please see post #10.

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