June 17,2023
I need help.
I have installed a camera lens inside a drone, centered the image from the lens on an angel-titled mirror, controlled by a servo that is pointing the mirror down, and then sent the analog light signal I collected from the drone to a photo diode panel receiver. I want to convert that analog signal to a digital signal using an Arduino R3 UNO and display the image on a screen.
I have already completed the drone and camera lens setup.
My question is, regardless of the quality of the image, how do I connect the photo diode to the Arduino UNO to convert an analog signal to a digital signal and then display that image on a screen?
Or can I directly connect the photo diode to a digital screen without using the Arduino UNO?
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
I hope I posted this correctly,I could not find where to ask my question.
Thank You,
David Brown
If you have enough light you could connect it to a digital pin. You may have to play with the pull up to get it correct. I have used them as light sensors with a pull Up/Down resistor and the junction of the resistor and diode went to the input of a 74HC14 schmitt inverter. This is a lot faster then using the A/D.
What is the analogRead() value of your phototransistor against a camera image on the lightest light space versus the darkest dark space?
If there is a large difference in dark versus light values, make a grid of phototransistors the same size as your camera's image and place that grid against the image, and then read the pins (yikes... need more pins)