I'm pretty much a newbie in this area but trying to come up to speed with building simple sensor circuits and interfacing them with Arduino. My latest project is to hook up a remote control to a digital input pin. I purchased a really cheap remote door chime set, and removed the speaker, using the cables to drive a small transistor. Across the Collector-Emitter I have +5V and by connecting a 1M resistor between the +rail and the Collector, I can sample the voltage which I was hoping to use to drive the Arduino digital input.
When the door bell is activated, I get a voltage of about 4.8V, however the problem I am having is that when the door bell is not activated, there is still a small voltage (0.4v) present at the Collector.
Despite what I have read in the Arduino documentation, this appears to be sufficient to drive the Digital input to a HIGH state. I was hoping that anything under say, 1 Volt would give a LOW reading but this does not seem to be the case. The only way I have managed to drive the pin LOW is to connect it to Gnd.
I should perhaps point out that the board I am using at the moment is a Bare Bones Board, not that it should matter.
Has anyone else seen this behaviour? Or better still, can someone suggest a way of 'getting rid' of that unwanted 0.4V and ensuring that when the door bell is not activated, the collector shows 0V?
Thanks for any help.