I am using the following code to transfer sensor data from a pulse sensor attached to my arduino to an android device. The code is for the arduino.
const int analogInPin = A0;
const int analogOutPin = 9;
int sensorValue = 0;
int outputValue = 0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
sensorValue = analogRead(analogInPin);
outputValue = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
analogWrite(analogOutPin, outputValue);
Serial.print(" " );
I'm just wondering why I have to include const int analogOutPin = 9; when I don't have anything attached to analog pin 9? btw, the program works fine with it, but not without it.
analogWrite(analogOutPin, outputValue);
You might not be using it but the program does
Incidentally, pin 9 (analogOutPin) should, as its name suggests, be set as an output.
Where did you get the code ?
There are several projects associated with that video.
What type of sensor are you using and how is it connected to the Arduino ?
I'm using a pulse sensor amped. The sensor is plugged into arduino A0 analog input, and the + and - are plugged respectively into the bread board. I also have the BLE HC-05 module with the same hook up as the video
If you are not using it you can remove all references to pin 9 and analogOutPin
I tried that and it said error uploading to arduino
I tried that and it said error uploading to arduino
Post the code that gave the error
Incidentally, pin 9 (analogOutPin) should, as its name suggests, be set as an output.
analogWrite takes care of that 
analogWrite takes care of that 
Another case of the Arduino environment being consistently inconsistent because digitalWrite() doesn't do it
Although analogWrite() sets the pinMode() to output I think that I will continue to do it explicitly, much as I use pinMode() to set pins to INPUT even though that is the default.
Another case of the Arduino environment being consistently inconsistent because digitalWrite() doesn't do it
I don't see the justification for that assertion - a digitalWrite can be performed on an input pin, to turn on the pullup resistor, but an analogWrite can only ever be an output.