Hi, I would of thought this is quite a simple project but as I am new I would like some help on what to buy and then the programming to go with it.
My problem is that to do this it costs me £150 using SPDT timer relays. So I have decided to start a new project using Arduino.
I have a basic 3 gang light switch with 12v running through it and this will need to send a 12v pulse signal to a light driver (lumishore) to turn on. To turn the light off another pulse signal at 12v is needed.
So each switch will provide a separate signal to their own driver.
3 switches
3 drivers
3 lights
Any ideas what to buy?
What to download?
What code I will need?
A website I could follow?
I'd start very simple. How many pins or wires do your light drivers have?
At least two wires are required for Gnd and signal. If the idle voltage between both is about 12V I'd try a simple momentary (SPST) switch for turning the light on and off.
I would think an optocoupler would be the solution, but having never seen or having any idea how a lumishore light driver works, I can't say. Why not post a datasheet or instruction manual?
I have a basic 3 gang light switch with 12v running through it and this will need to send a 12v pulse signal to a light driver (lumishore) to turn on. To turn the light off another pulse signal at 12v is needed.
is the 12V through the light switch fixed? Arduionos generally work off 5V.