And now for something completely different "Chum Dispenser" build advice needed

Hi folks.

First of all let me point out I have zero experience with Arduino but have a background in software engineering.

I would very much appreciate if someone could advise me if this project is feasible.

Here's a video of what I'd like to build :
Chum dispenser

The main control box is powered by a 12v boat battery.
The timer controls the interval at which chum is dispensed overboard (1 to 60 seconds).
The side of the control box has a motion sensor that registers when a piece of chum is chucked overboard. Once triggered, the timer is reset.
If the sensor doesn't register anything in 60 seconds it sounds of an audio alarm that indicates the
chum tray is empty.
I presume the 12v motor contained within the control box could be something similar to a windscreen whipper motor.

A friend commented the components should not cost more than $60.
He said I should get the Arduino Micro board.
I think I'd need a motion sensor, motor driver, timer and main processor?

Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions.

the motor, water proof enclosure, belt, pulleys, bearings and such are variables in cost. bought new, they would probably be more than your $60.

not sure how you plan to add a motion sensor, but a simple trip switch would work.

I would think you could have a couple buttons to start/stop and speed up the belt or change the time.

if you think you can make this, you certainly can. it is well within the ability of someone who thinks they can do it.

a simpler option to deliver the chum might be to make ice cubes. they would be more uniform in size and the delivery might be more reliable.

not sure how the fish stuck to that belt. but I did see one part go one time and 4 parts go a different time.

I'm quite good with my hands and building the plastic and stainless steel externals will not be a problem.
Btw the conveyor belt has small hooks on it that grab the chum.

My main worry is the control box as I'm not experienced with electronics but am up for the challenge.

If I can get the cost of just the control box housing the motor and arduino components within $60 I'd be more than happy.

I found this sensor : motion sensor
I could only find an infrared one.
Would that be suitable for the trip sensor you mentioned?

Other that that I don't have a clue where to start tbh.
Was going to get:
Arduino Micro
Breadboard and connectors
12v power supply
12v motor driver
Audio Alarm

I'd really want a knob to control the timing interval if at all possible.

Would these components be a good starting point?

you have a 12 volt power supply but should drop that to 9 volts.
the arduino micro you linked is nice but I like to use screw terminals in an application.

If it were me, I would get a plastic box with o-ring to make it water tight.
clear cover enclosure ($5) 271557089480
clear cover so you can have LED's inside to show off what is going on.

use an NANO from e-bay ($5) 251657174814
screw shield for it ($7 ) 141474364759
a 12Volt twin relay ($5) ebay - 261016675620
you do not need the relay to time things out.

power supply ($5) 301397788395
I like your choice as well.

wire gland ($5) 390960122820
display ($5) 271692614213

water proof switches
I would have 4. one for menu selection, two for up/down and one for select.
add a 2 line display for a menu.
as for the horn. not sure how loud you want it to be. you can have an external one of some sort.
the piezo buzzer you linked make sound by vibrating air. it is not water proof. not sure how loud it would be inisde of an enclosure, but for the price, it is great.

but, at this point, you should be under $40-50 depending on switches....
room for the motion sensor. the one you picked is nice, but it needs to be in an enclosure.
You could have the platform the chum falls onto, have a momentary switch that resets the timer.

that is assuming the motor is one speed and the relay can turn it on and off.

missing is the motor and any parts for the conveyor belt.

the arduino can be programmed as a timer for a minute or an hour or pretty much any time you like.
you could fix the time and have a start / stop switch or use the menu buttons to increase or decrease the time.

Thank you Sir!
Very kind of you to take your time and help me.
I will let you know how I get on :slight_smile:

Looking at the video, you seem to have it all solved, why do you need help?