Andruino - Wired and wireless home sensors for iPhone


I'm very happy to share with the Arduino community my personal project: Andruino
Andruino is a project based on Arduino+iPhone. I have developed the iPhone App and now is on App store (1.1)
You can connect whatever analog/digital sensors on hardware board and Andruino App communicates with them, displaying in real time the room temperatures (C°/K°), the lights/plugs power consumption (Watt), the kitchen humidity (%), the opened doors, and any other informations that comes from your home.
With Andruino App you can drag&drop all the home sensors over your real home map.
The schetch is open source and can be downloaded from my website (I have used both Arduino Uno/Due).

new website:
app store link: ‎AndruinoApp - Arduino IoT on the App Store

thanks for any feedback and/or suggestion,