Hello guys im here trying to get some information for a project im wanted to make.
I want to see to make a RFID reader for tracking livestock, mostly while they are passing a gate, so range must be of something like 10 meters.
i was checking using this tag
but is it possible to make this? the tracker would read the tag and with others in a pattern would send the information to a central computer (rasph pi) most probably to calculate each animal that passes and enters.
RFID is restricted to a small area (distance), and a single tag within that area. It's doable if the gate is as narrow as to let pass only one animal at a time.
Other passive methods were barcode and/or a camera, where multiple tags or objects at the same time can be scanned by some powerful image processing software on a powerful computer.
Active methods, like bluetooth, require battery powered tags.
the idea was to make a arduino reader, and place several around a gate location the gate is actually like 3 meters wide, allowing to pass around 2 animals at a time, thus i wanted to track multiple rfid tags per reader adn send the information, basically tag id and distance to reader to a central hub that would triangulate with the other readers what animal is and its location.
Thats my question, would a passive rfid allow this and am I able to make a reader that will provide wifi signal to a central location?
Wifi connection is not a problem. Triangulation is not possible with RFID readers - either one receives a signal from a single tag, that is close enough, or it does not from a tag further away. Use of multiple readers is not easy, because they can not work on the same area at the same time. Either the areas are disjoint, or all other readers must be turned off while one is trying to catch a tag.
so I cant pull tags fast enough? how long does it take to read a tag in a certain location.
Basic idea was to set either 2 or 3 readers about 2 meters appart from each other or a bit more, and just ping each tag for distance to reader and send that information over wifi to a central computer that would just calculate based on math the current location.
someting like pinging 3 cell towers to know your location with your cellphone