Does somebody know if the loading bar characters work on LCD I2C ? Im using 20x4.
Pic not mine.. Credit to owner
Does somebody know if the loading bar characters work on LCD I2C ? Im using 20x4.
Pic not mine.. Credit to owner
Answer's right here in the Arduino Playground.
If you don't need the precision of drawing individual vertical "stripes" in each cell, you could very easily just write between 0 and 16 letter "X" based on the size of the value compared to its maximum.
So if the maximum is 5000 and your value is 2000, draw 2/5 * 16 = 6.4 so write XXXXXX.
Hint(s): Do not attempt to update the display more than five times per second; update only when the value actually changes and do not use display.clear() in the process.
Answer's right here in the Arduino Playground.
does it work with I2C LCD? most of the tutorial i watched if fore regular LCD's
does it work with I2C LCD? most of the tutorial i watched if fore regular LCD's
Why don't you try it?
As far as I know, from what I've seen, the lcd libraries all use the same methods for moving the cursor, clearing, writing etc. The only difference is in the lines where you call the libraries and get it fired up. (Where, for instance, an I2C one may need an I2C address.)
And anyway, if you scrolled down that linked page you would see it even talks of an I2C version....
does it work with I2C LCD? most of the tutorial i watched if fore regular LCD's
This is because using a display with an I2C backpack is so much more practical than without, using only 2 wires shared with other I2C devices instead of 6 or 7 or 8 dedicated to the display.