ANN: Guide to simple LCD + Keypad

Just released:

A beginner's guide (and review, for seasoned users) of a simple module with an easily driven LCD screen, and 5 input buttons. Costs $12 or £11, plus p&p, assembled and tested. You just plug it in. (US and UK sources listed)

For the five buttons: Uses one analog input

For the LCD: Uses 7 lines of digital IO.

Module can be used as a shield on an Uno, Diecimila, Duemilanove or Freeduino. For others, it is a simple matter of a few interconnect wires. All explained at page listed above.

The page IS new... feedback on anything that isn't clear would be welcome.

Here's some feedback on this part:

The software behaves as if there are some "phantom" character positions "off the edge of the LCD", to the right.

Just one of life's little mysteries to keep us on our toes.

The mystery will be de-mystified if you follow the LCD Addressing link at
