Apologies for a few false starts you may have seen, but I ferverently hope that I have at last cracked ALL the issues involved in creating the following....
There is a tutorial, with code, explaining how I did it, available from...
With what's there, you should be able to create a server with an Arduino or clone and a $25 ethernet interface. (Static IP address not required, in case you know about that issue.)
Now... I've used an ethernet interface which is not based on the popular Wiznet 5100... but there are many, many issues in creating the server which are independent of the chip, so I hope the tutorial will help even Wiznet 5100 users. (I also hope one day to do a version addressing the 5100-specific issues... but they are harder to get, and more expensive! (And more capable?)).
ANYWAY, you can try the server at....
That should throw up a little page with two buttons. Click the "LED On" button, and you turn on an LED attached to my Arduino. The other button is "LED Off". The web page ALSO has two numbers. One is a reading from a light level sensor. The LED shines on the sensor. (The other number is a random number which changes on each button click.)
Have we lost polls? I was going to add one for "Tried it: Worked / Tried it: Didn't". If a few people could post follow up comments with, I hope!!, "It worked", I'd be grateful... but we don't need many of those, do we?... unless it is NOT working.. shudder..