Announcing New Master Course on Arduino Platform and Embedded Engineering

I am very excited to announce my new course on Udemy "Crash Course Arduino and Microcontroller Development"! I have been working on this nearly 3 years, building the biggest, most complete course on the Arduino platform, embedded engineering, and microcontrollers for beginners. The course takes you on a journey through countless topics such as:

  • Learn about microcontrollers, microprocessors and their internal architecture including how instructions are executed, ALUs, Buses, MMUs, DMA and more.

  • Learn the Arduino platform's hardware, software and APIs as a working platform to bridge the gap to more complex systems like ARM later in the course.

  • Understand C/C++ from the ground up and how to write effective firmware for embedded systems and memory/compute constrained systems.

  • Learn how processors run at the bare metal level including inline and external assembly language programming and interfacing with C/C++.

  • Conquer advanced Computer Science subjects such as optimization theory, data structures, recursion, interrupts, and Big O analysis.

  • Explore multitasking on microcontrollers by developing an interrupt based-round-robin kernel as well as using FreeRTOS.

  • Become expert in numerous tools such as compilers, IDEs, TinkerCAD, EasyEDA, Replit, VSCode, CodeLite, Fritzing, MPLabX, STM32CubeIDE, and more.

  • Overcome programmable logic and the fundamentals of CPLDs, PALs, GALs, and FPGAs along with a primer on hardware description languages and CUPL.

  • Conquer power management and sleep modes and how to shut peripherals down in your embedded designs, wake from interrupts, and manage power effectively.

  • Master one of the fastest growing and highest paid engineering fields in the world.

"Crash Course Arduino and Microcontroller Development" features over 111 hours of video and 128 lectures, check it out here:

Discount Code: "GEMINI"

Why not teach the language of electronics Schematics! The fuzzy thing lacks most of what is needed to do a proper design.


A lot of newbies like fritzing, and a lot of designs use it on internet. So, I show how to use it in a few lectures. But, our primary tool is EasyEDA for schematic, simulation and PCB design. Along with TinkerCAD for simulations to complement bench builds for those that can't afford parts and tools.


3 years to put this together, wow. 111 hours of video, that is impressive. Anyway, with the discount this is cheaper than getting an Arduino branded Uno. Seems to offer a holistic course on embedded engineering.

So yeah, I paid for it. It was cheaper than either of the two C, C++ books I just bought. We'll see how long it takes me to get through it, lol. My guess is at least a few months.

A question though, anything in the course akin to LTspice? That is one I need to take the time to learn...

EDIT: Guess I should have watched the intro first on the LTspice question.

Yes and no. We don't use LTSpice in this class, and we don't do complex analog spice simulations (in my other course on EE "Crash Course Electronics and PCB Design" we do. But, in this course, we DO build simulations in EasyEDA, TinkerCAD, and Wokwi, out of those EasyEDA has the spice engine running under the GUI of course. But, the course is about arduino and embedded, if you want to learn LTSpice, there are great tutorials on it that you can learn to sim amplifiers, etc. and work thru transient and steady state analysis, and so forth.

Thanks for the info. I bought the "Crash Course Electronics and PCB Design" as well. Should be fun!