We're happy to say that we've finally made it to the 1990's with the creation of the Arduino blog: Arduino Blog. From the welcome post:
"The Arduino blog is a place for thoughts, news, and discussion with the Arduino team. We thought it was important to provide a higher-profile platform for discussion to complement the more practical Arduino forum, the publicly-editable Arduino playground wiki, and the technically-focused developers mailing list. We hope the blog will be a place for more general discussion about the Arduino project, its goals and development. We'd also like to encourage conversation with people who may not be users of Arduino or members of the forum. Plus, we've got a lot of exciting announcements coming soon and wanted to make sure they were easy to spot."
There's already a couple of other posts: on the new Xbee shield and another talking about what's new in the Diecimila. Check it out. Oh, and one other advantage of the blog is that is has an RSS feed you can subscribe to: Arduino Blog).