Another Win7/64 + Arduino Mega USB problem

I think i've read all of Google. I see a few similar posts here, but none seem to apply.

I just received my first Arduino Mega boards yesterday. I installed Arduino environment 1.5.4r2. Connected the Arduino and all worked fine. I created my sketch, uploaded it maybe 15 or 20 times (minor tinkering) and all seemed good.

At my next time trying to upload, I got an error. I went to Tools, and Port was greyed out. In Device Manager, no Ports group is listed, nor is any Arduino device.

I unplugged the USB and reconnected. Windows did not acknowledge presence of a new device via the (beep-beep), but the device did power on.

I've tried everything i can think of:

  • plug in different usb port
  • reboot
  • uninstall software, reboot, install software, connect arduino
  • uninstall software, reboot, connect arduino
  • uninstall software, power off machine (full unplug), install software, connect arduino
  • use different (new in box) arduino
  • uninstall software, reboot, install nightly build drivers, connect arduino
  • disconnect arduino, disconnect all pins from arduino, connect arduino

Any ideas how I can make Windows recognize that this device is being inserted?

I know the USB is still good on my machine because I inserted a new USB thumb drive and windows did the "beep-beep", started searching for a new driver, installed the device, and I can use the thumb drive.

Have you tried a different cable?

Yes, 3 different cables actually. each arduino came with it's own cable and I had one extra. thanks for the reply.

each arduino came with it's own cable

Really? A common complaint is that genuine Arduinos do not come with a USB cable.

At any point, other than the USB cable, did you have anything connected to the board?