ANT+ powermeter


Sorry if ant+ already have a topic. I tried to search but I got all kind of hits with "ant" which was a lot.

I have a indoorbike adn would like to measure the power output and send this to my garmin edge 500 ant+ computer.

There is no problem in calculating the power I can send the power-figures from the arduino to Serial but I would like to send this to the garmin edge 500 instead.

Any hints, links or papers about this?

All kind of information are much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Hi and thanks for reply!

Looks good, but how can I intergrate it with the arduino? Any ideas?

Thanks again. :slight_smile:

Sorry, but no. It is one of those projects that are on my todo list...

The data sheets and write-ups on that page should help get you started though. That and experimenting with your specific equipment may be your best bet. Of course, we would all like to hear back on your progress.


That transceiver should do the work! :slight_smile:

The only thing I havn't found is exactly what data the message should contain. As far as I understand the ant node are sending a message with 1 sec intervall containing "something" to the computer but I guess that is more a question for the ant+ forum.

Of course I will publish my result here later :slight_smile: Thanks again.

hi there,
i'm working on the exact same project.
I have an edge 500, ant usb sticks, i already have the arduino code for all the ant+ operation and messages ( sure they work ).
My problem comes from the chip i'm using:

how would you interact with it?
I tried using the nrf library ( ), found on the internet a library named RF, i tried SPI and wire.. didn't change anything.
It seems i am unable to interact with the chip.

The chip has a pin named SDA so i thought of I²c since my mega2560 has SDA and CLK, and i thought i could use the datasheet to set it as TX only, so i could plug in SDA and only use transmission. I didn't get anything.

I'm also trying to use the ANTSticks on my laptop, with ANT display software, which i think could help me to establish communication between the chip and the sticks ( and so the watch ),
did you try this out?