Antialiased font rendering in TFT_eSPI for ESP8266 and ESP32?

I have started experimenting with antialiased font files (vlw extension) produced by the Processing software.

It turns out to be remarkably easy to select a font and the size, then generate the required font files using Processing.

Here is an example that shows how antialiasing can be used to smooth the jagged appearance of rendered text. This is a screenshot from a 240x320 ILI9341 based TFT. Two lines of text antialiased, followed by 2 lines that are not, then the same using a second italic font:

I am thinking of adding the ability to use antialiased fonts to the TFT_eSPI library. Is there any interest from users for this?

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The foray into anti-aliased fonts has become more interesting than anticipated. The font file creator built into Processing allows the inclusion of specific Unicode blocks in the generated vlw file, so I have extended the experimental sketch to handle all UTF-16 Unicodes, permitting any of the Unicode font characters contained in the vlw file to be rendered to the TFT screen.

As an example, here is a TFT screenshot (from ILI9341 240x320 pixel TFT) showing the antialiased Hiragana character Unicode block (0x3041 to 0x309F) in 24pt from the Microsoft Yahei font:

The sketch is still a work in progress but the plan is to build in a vlw font file handler into the TFT_eSPI library.