About a year ago I started working on a new Arduino IDE from (mostly) scratch. It's still Java based but looks much better, should be easier to use, and has some nice features like line numbers, a better serial console, inline docs, and library management. Since then it's been on the back burner while I've been on other projects, but I'd like to get back to it now.
So, my real question, is whether there is any interest in me continuing on this new IDE and if anyone would like to help me with it. You don't have to be a Java coder to contribute. There's lots to do.
That tends to be what happens with "improved" version, and what makes them generally unacceptable as replacements (yours is not the only one.) "We" don't need a mostly-deserted improved version of the IDE; we need a version that has a permanent team behind it doing support, even if it's not as good and the official "support" is a little ... sparse. (there's always the unofficial support too, and you risk fragmenting the hundred or so people offering "distributed support" via the forums/etc.)
Functionally it doesn't really do anything that the official IDE doesn't do. The difference is in the user experience. This IDE has
line numbers, font smoothing, better standard font, modern UI theme.
serial console integrated into the window, and handles reconnection after uploading a sketch automatically.
searchable sidebar for the example sketches, with a description of each.
boards are described using XML versioned separately from the IDE, so we can easily add new boards
proper keybindings for all platforms
It's not built yet, but I'd like to have a searchable repo of the common open source libs and examples. Then you could just search and click to install a lib rather than going to the web, unzipping files, putting them in the right place, and rebooting. This would make it more like using an app store or a debian style apt-get.
The IDE works just fine as it is, but to really make it good I need other people to bang on it, file bugs, and contribute new board, example, and library definitions. That's what I mean when I ask if there is 'any interest'.
I'm always happy to have contributions to UECIDE. There's some nice ideas in your IDE that would fit nicely into UECIDE. UECIDE is closer to the original IDE in layout, but I would like to expand it more and have a better display. It'd be great if we could collaborate to make the ultimate in replacement IDEs.
There are dozens of "improved" IDEs but as Westfw says I think people would prefer something that's both supported and stable, much better to have maybe 2-3 good solid choices than 30 half-finished options from people who will move onto something else in 6 months time.
Yours does look good Josh but so do many others and at present I can't see any reason for people to swap.
I think we do need a good alternative to the official IDE because it's crap and no matter how many times we suggest things they never get into the product. That's probably because it's aimed at Arduino beginners, you download the package and everything runs out of the box, and as such maybe it should stay as is.
There are a few real IDE-based products (personally I use AS6 and Visual Micro) but they are a bit intimidating for a beginner.
I haven't been paying much attention for a few months but from what I've observed Majenko's UECIDE has had a lot of work done on it and I personally would prefer a solid product with a few people behind it. So maybe you should consider Majenko's offer.
I haven't been paying much attention for a few months but from what I've observed Majenko's UECIDE has had a lot of work done on it and I personally would prefer a solid product with a few people behind it. So maybe you should consider Majenko's offer.
I agree with rob that there are a lot of alternatives already and that it is better to add to an existing one than to start a new one.
Feel free to join the arduino eclipse plugin. There are currently 5 contributors and it is all open source. GitHub - Sloeber/arduino-eclipse-plugin: A plugin to make programming the arduino in eclipse easy and well documented (user level) http://eclipse.baeyens.it/
We are currently working on making a "product" which basically means that installation is simply unpacking like the arduino ide.
Best regards
I haven't been paying much attention for a few months but from what I've observed Majenko's UECIDE has had a lot of work done on it and I personally would prefer a solid product with a few people behind it. So maybe you should consider Majenko's offer.
I agree with rob that there are a lot of alternatives already and that it is better to add to an existing one than to start a new one.
Feel free to join the arduino eclipse plugin. There are currently 5 contributors and it is all open source. GitHub - Sloeber/arduino-eclipse-plugin: A plugin to make programming the arduino in eclipse easy and well documented (user level) http://eclipse.baeyens.it/
We are currently working on making a "product" which basically means that installation is simply unpacking like the arduino ide.
Best regards
And I am still very very very ....... very happy with it