Any more code samples for WS-2801 LEDs?

I'm working on an art project using these LEDs:

Its an addressable string of LEDs using the WS-2801 chipset. The samples work great, but I'm trying to duplicate some modes from a cheap LED controller I got off eBay (its the HC008), and having some trouble.

For example, I really like this mode:

But I'm having a lot of trouble coding it from scratch.

And it struck me that I may be trying to re-invent the wheel. Maybe there's a code repository somewhere with some more samples for it, other than the one Sparkfun includes with the lights?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

THE ADAFRUIT NEOPIXEL LIBRARY WILL WORK, SAME THING WS-2801 JUST WITH A cool NAME! Check ADAFRUIT.COM and go on the learning system, it should tell you how to find and install Neopixel library as well as some code to get you going, im not sure if it is different from SF's coding but try it out om sure it will help