Hey guys,
I'm just starting out on Arduino, and have a question about user input.
First of all, I want to write a program that gets two random numbers, shows them to the user, and asks them what the sum of the number is.
This is what I have so far, which just creates a problems with two random numbers, and gives the answer:
long rand1Number;
long rand2Number;
int a;
int b;
int user_id;
Since the Arduino has no native input devices or output devices, where is the output going? How does the user see "a = "?
Have you attached a mind probe to the Arduino? How is the user to supply an answer? That is, what sort of input device to you have attached to the Arduino for the user to use to enter the answer?
As of right now, the output comes through the serial monitor.
I have no input for the user, and that's my question. Can I make it so they type their answer onto the keyboard (on a computer)?
my c++ class had us writing programmes where the screen would have questions printed on it asking for numbers and the like yes or no and the like.
i've not seen that kind of thing with the arduino, the only inputs i know of are from devices or the user putting in letters/ numbers onto the serial monitor - send box.
i'm only new to this but it seems to me that you want to combine your c++/ c knowledge with the arduino stuff.
the serial monitor box could have its own way of sending data to the arduino and this might be the problem, if you had a c programme running you would have to have some way / or some programme to put data onto the serial port that is connected to the arduino. however that might be done.