Anyone heard from Fundamental Logic (spiff?) ? I placed an order a week and a half ago, and there's been no feedback and no response to my email.
Anyone heard from Fundamental Logic (spiff?) ? I placed an order a week and a half ago, and there's been no feedback and no response to my email.
I have also not had any reaspons for that period of time from fundamental logic :-?
I wouldn't worry too much, Spiff has always sent my stuff. It does take quite a while for it to get across the border though.
I wasn't really worried about transit time (I realize it's coming from north of the border, and we've gotta watch what those Canadians might be sending across ), I was more worried about a) no indication that the order for stuff that's in stock has shipped after almost 2 weeks, and b) my email saying "hey, anybody there?" has gone unanswered.
Too bad, I'm taking a couple of days off work, and it would have been nice to have the stuff to play with. guess i'll just have to go etch some boards instead.
Followup: I just got an email from fundamental logic. They tell me that my order shipped 3 days after I placed it, and that a server move has caused some communications issues for them.
I also got good feedback now from fundamental logic.
this is disheartening...placed an order over a week ago and I haven't heard a thing. I'm hoping it just magically shows up at my door tomorrow or the next day...
In the meantime, perhaps I'll send them another 'is anybody out there?' e-mail. I'll post back here once the issue gets resolved.
Well, after my delayed feedback, I waited and waited and thought bad thoughts about US customs delaying my package, since FL had assured me it shipped on Oct 30.
Then, on Nov 24, I got a pair of messages (one from paypal and one from them) telling me my package has shipped. What???? I emailed them to try and find out what the deal is, but no response.
i got my stuff today. I paid for the eight day shipping and got it in about 12 days. Not too bad considering it had to cross the border.
I never did get an e-mail response from them, though.