Anyone played with Eagle 3d?

As a follow up to my Etch your own PCB thread, I started playing with Eagle 3D and managed to create a pretty dang good 3d model of the breadboard arduino I used in the thread.

Guess which pic is the render :wink:

Whut? EAGLE 3D?

Where? :wink:

Looks uber cool, means I dunna have to learn a new program to 3D boards does it?


You won't have to learn a 3d program, but you may have to learn a bit about POV-RAY programming...

Eagle 3d is essentially a ULP that will generate the POV-RAY file. You then run the pov file through povray and it will generate the 3d render for you.

It has over 1000 parts, mostly generic looking, but more than sufficient to see what the board will look like.

You can also create your own parts if you are handy with a modeler and hacking the povray code... I am not :slight_smile: