Anyone who likes to read Aruduino code...

I just finished righting the code for my robot, however, I have yet to build it, or obtain the components, therefore I'm unable to test my code. I haven't written code in a while, so I'm afraid that I have kinks and that my code isn't very efficient.

If you feel like looking it over, that would be great! Let me know of any errors or things you feel could be written better. I commented mostly every line so hopefully that will help you understand what I am trying to do.

A differential drive robot is made autonomous by taking proximity measurements using an ultrasonic sensor mounted on a servo. When the robot comes within 15cm of an obstacle, the robot brakes, the servo turns left, the sensor takes a reading, then right and takes a reading, the two measurements are compared and makes the appropriate turn. The robot continues this way until it's switched off...

I choose not to use the servo library for a few reasons, that unless you care, I won't specify, but in case you were wondering why, I thought I'd let you know that I chose not to use it.

int motorR_1 = 5; //Right motor ENABLE pin
int motorR_2 = 4; //Right motor PWN (SPEED) pin
int motorL_1 = 3; //Right motor ENABLE pin
int motorL_2 = 2; //Right motor PWN (SPEED) pin

int servoPin1 = 0; // Servo connect to arduino pin 1 
int left = 600; // Pulse width of 600µs to turn left
int right = 2400; // Pulse width of 2400µs to turn right
int straight = 1500; // Pulse width of 1500µs to return straight
int pulse = 0; // Pulse to send to servo

long lastPulse = 0; // the time in milliseconds of the last pulse
int refreshTime = 20; // the time needed between pulses

int pingPin = 7; // ultrasonic sensor pin
int leftDist = 0; // distance to left obstacle 
int rightDist = 0; // distance to right obstacle

void setup()
  pinMode(motorR_1, OUTPUT); // declare motor pin as OUTPUT
  pinMode(motorR_2, OUTPUT); // declare motor pin as OUTPUT
  pinMode(motorL_1, OUTPUT); // declare motor pin as OUTPUT
  pinMode(motorL_2, OUTPUT); // declare motor pin as OUTPUT
  pinMode(servoPin1, OUTPUT); // declare servo pin as OUTPUT
  pulse = straight; // face the servo forward 

void loop()
  long duration, cm;
  digitalWrite (motorR_1, HIGH); // Move Right motor FORWARD...
  digitalWrite (motorR_2, HIGH); // full speed.
  digitalWrite (motorL_1, HIGH); // Move Left motor FORWARD...
  digitalWrite (motorL_2, HIGH); // full speed.
  pulse = straight; // face the sensor forward
  pinMode(pingPin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(pingPin, LOW); // refreash the sensor
  digitalWrite(pingPin, HIGH); // send ultrasonic pulse
  digitalWrite(pingPin, LOW); // turn sensor off
  pinMode(pingPin, INPUT); // allow for sensor to recieve echo
  duration = pulseIn(pingPin, HIGH); // wait for sensor to reieve echo
  cm = microsecondsToCentimeters(duration); // record distance to cm
  if (cm < 15) // if the recorded distance is less than 15cm
    pinMode(motorL_2, INPUT); // brake left motor
    pinMode(motorR_2, INPUT); // brake right motor
    delay(500); // wait for the motors to stop completely
    digitalWrite(motorR_1, LOW); // disable right motor    
    digitalWrite(motorL_1, LOW); // diable left motor
    digitalWrite(pingPin, LOW); // stop the sensor
    pulse = left; // turn the sensor left
    delay(100); // wait for the servo to turn to the left
    digitalWrite(pingPin, HIGH); // send ultrasonic pulse
    digitalWrite(pingPin, LOW); // turn sensor off
    pinMode(pingPin, INPUT); // allow for sensor to recieve echo
    duration = pulseIn(pingPin, HIGH); // wait for sensor to reieve echo
    leftDist = microsecondsToCentimeters(duration); // record distance to leftDist
    digitalWrite(pingPin, LOW); // stop the sensor
    pulse = right; // turn the sensor right
    delay(100); // wait for servo to turn to the right
    digitalWrite(pingPin, HIGH); // send ultrasonic pulse
    digitalWrite(pingPin, LOW); // turn sensor off
    pinMode(pingPin, INPUT); // allow for sensor to recieve echo
    duration = pulseIn(pingPin, HIGH); // wait for sensor to recieve echo
    rightDist = microsecondsToCentimeters(duration); // record distance to rightDist
  if (leftDist > rightDist)
    digitalWrite(motorR_1, HIGH); // turn right motor power on
    pinMode(motorR_2, OUTPUT); // release right motor
    digitalWrite(motorL_1, HIGH); // turn left motor power on
    pinMode(motorL_2, OUTPUT); // release left motor 
    digitalWrite(motorR_2, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motorL_2, LOW);
   if (rightDist > leftDist)
    digitalWrite(motorR_1, HIGH); // turn right motor power on
    pinMode(motorR_2, OUTPUT); // release right motor
    digitalWrite(motorL_1, HIGH); // turn left motor power on
    pinMode(motorL_2, OUTPUT); // release left motor 
    digitalWrite(motorR_2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorL_2, HIGH);
  if (millis() - lastPulse >= refreshTime)
    digitalWrite(servoPin1, HIGH); // turn motor on
    delayMicroseconds(pulse); // length of the pulse sets the motor position
    digitalWrite(servoPin1, LOW); // turn motor off
    lastPulse = millis();

long microsecondsToCentimeters(long microseconds)
  return microseconds / 29 / 2;

Using the motor controller (SN754410 and 2 tri-state switches)

Pin 1 - is used to Enable or Disable the motor controller chip. Whenever the controller is disabled then it is in 'coast' mode. So if we ask the motor to go in a particular clockwise direction then we can use this pin to set the speed that it turns. If it aways high then the motor rotates at full speed. If it is always low then the motor is disconnected and so doesn't turn. By using PWM we can control the speed of the motor from 100% to 0% duty cycle. So pin 1 is the 'throttle' or 'accelerator'.

Pin 2 - Sets the direction of the motor - Forward or Reverse. If this input is high then Input 1 is high, which turns on the transistor so Input 2 is low. This makes the motor turn one way. If this input is low then Input 2 is low, the transistor is off and so input 2 is high, and the motor turns the other way. But the cool thing is that if this pin is disconnected then Input 1 and Input 2 are both in the same state which means that the motor will brake. How do you 'disconnect' a wire that is soldered in - all we do is change the micro-processor pin to be an input pin and the built in resistors make this wire 'disconnected'

Ok I'll bite, why did you CHOOSE not to use the servo library?

I just finished righting the code for my robot, however, I have yet to build it, or obtain the components, therefore I'm unable to test my code.

Who do you think you are, huh? Ada Lovelace?

Actually, there aren't many who could match her feat; she never even found out that her code worked...


Nice reference! :slight_smile: