APC220 and Arduino Mega Problem TX and RX ing at the same time

Hi to all

i hope anyone has any ideas on what might be wrong with my setup/code.

I can't seem to able to get a pair of APC220 to TX and RX and the same time using TX RX 3 on the Arduino mega.

I can get it to Radio TX data to my PC. But if i send a bit of data back using serial monitor "R" for reset no joy.

Stop the code Radio TX-ing (comment out the prints).....and it works "R" resets my code ??? :~

Strange thing is i can do both just fine simultaniusly using the USB cable ?

0	RPM	0.00	MPH	0.00	MaxMPH	10	IntBat	82	KartBat	123	Amps	66.35	Pack V	8	KW	10.94	HP	23	M Temp	00:00:05.643	Time
0	RPM	0.00	MPH	0.00	MaxMPH	10	IntBat	82	KartBat	123	Amps	66.35	Pack V	8	KW	10.94	HP	23	M Temp	00:00:05.875	Time
0	RPM	0.00	MPH	0.00	MaxMPH	10	IntBat	82	KartBat	123	Amps	66.35	Pack V	8	KW	10.94	HP	23	M Temp	00:00:06.107	Time

I would be very grateful if anyone knows any info on what might be causing this to happen.

  /////TX the info to base
  Serial3.print("Pack V");
  Serial3.print(PackVoltage * amps / 746);
  Serial3.print("M Temp");
  print_time(millis() - time0);


/////Heres the reading sense for letter R code/////

    String input = ""; 
    // Read any serial input
    while (Serial3.available() > 0)
        input += (char) Serial3.read(); // Read in one char at a time
        delay(5); // Delay for 5 ms so the next char has time to be received
 if (input == "R")
   MaxMPH = 0;

Kind regards

Ive simplified my question a bit more, :fearful: