I'm using this modules to send a simple message. They both have the same configuration and they are properly connected (triple checked). The code is the following:
void setup(){
void loop(){
Serial.println("Hello world!");
When I open the serial port connected via a USB adapter to the PC, nothing is displayed. I have followed every tutorial and I still can´t find the problem.
If that is ALL the code you have, no wonder it won't work.
That's what I thought but in this (Arduino y módulo inalámbrico RF APC220 - TuElectronica.es ) tutorial (It's in Spanish) they only use that and it works.
And you are running their "RF magic" software on your PC?
February 13, 2023, 3:32pm
Do you have the radio module connected to the same pins that are used by the Arduinos USB to serial adapter ?
I configurated them with that software, yes.
What do you mean, could you put an example please?
February 13, 2023, 3:39pm
Perhaps show the forum how you have the modules wired to your Arduino ?
VCC - 5V
RX - 0
TX - 1
I disconnect the 0 and 1 pins while uploading the code to avoid any issues. I later reconnect them.
February 13, 2023, 3:45pm
Which Arduino are you using ...................
TX of the ACP220 should be connected to Uno pin 0, RX to pin 1, if the Arduino is to receive the data.
We advise people to NOT use pins 0 and 1. Instead, use one of the software serial packages.
This GPS echo program will also work to print ACP220 output on the serial monitor:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); //GPS (RX, TX) check correct pin assignments and baud rate
void setup() {
Serial.println("GPS start");
void loop() {
while (mySerial.available()) {
And the demo you linked to is using a "MEGA".
August 12, 2023, 4:23pm
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