Hello there,
perhaps yes once someone help ...
I have a mega 2560 of from an external device to an indefinite
Time receives a pulse.
If this is processed, then he has the following format:
This "104692" is transferred exactly to a 1x MacMini.
This works with any terminal program and also with the monitor
Arduino IDE.
Only in AppleScript I do not get it out.
I have attached the script once. The is very slow and the "104692"
are as:
The AppleSchript to do nothing more than the port of the Arduino in a
Query loop and the received "104692" Write in a variable.
That must go yet faster with AppleScript? The script brakes are self- and
also the MacMini completely out ...
Many thanks for the help.
Greeting and fun
AppleScript too slow
set onMode to false
set use_port to "/dev/cu.usbmodem411"
repeat until (get serialport list) contains use_port
delay 3
end repeat
if (get serialport list) contains use_port then
set onMode to true
set myPort to serialport open use_port bps rate 9600 data bits 8 parity 0 stop bits 1 handshake 0
delay 1
if myPort is equal to -1 then
display dialog "could not open port"
end if
set x to serialport read myPort
end repeat
end try
end if
serialport close myPort