I'm doing car with ROS. My car have to find AR TAG with IP camera app. Then after when car will see AR TAG and go forward to AR TAG. I done everything gscam, my launch files, cameras except motor code.
I've one of code but i've to modify this code. Could please give me advise ?
if( !find_next_target ) { // if we're in target tracking mode, drive towards the target
distance_err_cm = LINEAR_TARGET - distance_cm;
ino_drive.linear.x = -distance_err_cm * LINEAR_GAIN_P; // ranging +-50cm will have speed contorl mapping
z_angle_err = atan2( right_offset_cm, distance_cm);
ino_drive.angular.z = z_angle_err * ANGULAR_GAIN_P;
}else { // if we're in the "find_next_target" mode, do something here
// do something to search the target