Hey guys, kind of new here, I've only done 1 project and that was a 16x8 plasma coffee table I built with two boards. Well I am at it again with a new project this time allot smaller.
I just got a puppy, and it has been a struggle trying to train her to go outside to the washroom. She has been doing her business in the house and we have carpets... So My mailman actually told me he used a brass ball that jingled and his dog would hit it every time he wanted to go to the washroom and he said he was trained really quickly that way. Well me being a technology geek, I wanted to try it out but want to do it even better.
My plan is to have a battery powered doorbell ran by an arduino that will be mounted onto the bottom of the door. There will be an arcade button. Why you ask? Because I've always loved arcade buttons and think it would be cool to use one. From what I know they are momentary switches and do not latch. What I want is when the dog hits the button an .mp3 would play through a speaker alerting anyone that the dog needs out.
So with this in mind I have a few questions, Will the arcade button work for this type of application?
What is the cheapest arduino that would suit my needs?
With the arcade button not being latching will it still be able to play the full .mp3 or only if its held down? Is there a way to make it send the signal to play the whole song?