I just purchased the Ardest DIY Kit. The instructions say "email us" after getting the mega2560 starter kit to get the guide to the projects. From the Ardest webpage, info@ardest.com is shown as the contact email address, however I received a reply that my message could not be delivered. I am just looking for step-by-step starter instructions for the DIY Kit. If someone knows how this can be accessed, it would be appreciated. Thanks.
If the email bounces, you can try the form on the right on Contact - ARDEST
Terrible reviews...
I don't really see very severe problems there. What would you recommend for a better kit?
Your Mega2560 kit is perfect... you will find (on the internet) enough projects that involve the parts you receive to challenge and improve your programming skill. You have all the resources of this forum (ask any question) for any level of project. Be sure to start with JUST THE MEGA2560... and learn as you go. You can download, learn from and use ideas from other kits, and use your own kit hardware.
Here is a projects book for another Arduino kit that we see here often...
arduino-projects-book.pdf (7.2 MB)
Explore, learn and have fun!
Ok, great. Thanks.