It's just about a year since I posted about a book I had been writing with teachers somewhat in mind. There wasn't terribly much interest. I've given up on the book, but not on the underlying idea.
I have created a number of videos and a companion website which use the Arduino UNO to introduce the core concepts of computers. Assembly language is used for the demonstrations. Many people are frightened of assembly language, but it's the very simple language understood by the chip itself. This makes it ideal for introducing these concepts.
There are currently 6 videos (plus an intro), and I have plans for about 20.
I don't think the material is directly usable in a classroom, but I'm sure course material could be developed along similar lines.
If you are interested, I suggest you not draw too many conclusions from the "introductory spiel" video as it's more about my philosophy. Persevere with at least one of the numbered videos, and explore the "Resources" links too.
This is me testing the waters. There isn't a public YouTube channel yet, so the links from the web page are the only way in. Thought it was worth inviting comment here first, so please provide feedback either here or to the e-mail address listed at my website.
Have fun,