I want to install the AVR library for to can handle the automatic handling of sleep modes activation/désactivation on an Arduino Nano
This is for to can handling the alimentation of one Arduino Nano with only with two 1.5V piles coupled to a 3.0V -> 5V booster, but for a maximum of time with a regular temperatur/humidity acquisition on a DHT11 (at a rate of 1 acquisition each minut or something like this) + a motion detection via an HC-SR501 PIR MOTION DETECTOR
Where can I find the AVR library compatible with the Arduino Nano ?
(I have founded a lot of AVR library but Linux Arduino Genuino environment say always "Le dossier spécifié ne contient pas de bibliothèque valide" when I want to add them into it )
(I have founded a lot of AVR library but Linux Arduino Genuino environment say always "Le dossier spécifié ne contient pas de bibliothèque valide" when I want to add them into it )
Please post a link to where you downloaded the library from so I can give you instructions for how to install it. Use the chain links icon on the toolbar to make the link clickable.
Please post a link to where you downloaded the library from so I can give you instructions for how to install it. Use the chain links icon on the toolbar to make the link clickable.
a sketch that read, at a regular delay, DHT11 infos and write the acquired temperatur/humidity on the console
(work very good)
another sketch that make the detection of motion with a HC-SR501 PIR MOTION DETECTOR
(work "not too bad" because I haven't already really calibrate the motion sensor)
a 3th sketch "Sketch for testing sleep mode with wake up on WDT. Donal Morrissey - 2011"
(no tested, this is my next task)
So, I have now "only" to integrate all this with a good handling of sleep modes into only one sketch
(it's very more easy to say than to make, but this don't seem me really too hard to make as this)