Ardiuno Wifi ESP8266 + 8 MB ATmega 328P board is not connecting

I have got latest board with the configuration of Ardiuno Wifi ESP8266 + 8 MB ATmega 328P hardware. connected through USB to TTL (Mobile data cable). Also computer com/port is registered with CH340 chip set successfully. But board is not connecting with Ardiuno IDE.
Most of the people said that the "Ardiuno uno WIfi " as Board in IDE will be compatible. But it is not connecting. Leds at Board are blinking. I have reset through Mother board push button multiple time. But no luck . can any one suggest which is the right Board I need to choose in ardiuno IDE

Does your board looks like this "Arduino UNO plus ESP8266"?

That is NOT an "Arduino Uno WiFi V2". It has switches to connect the onboard CH340G to either the UNO or the ESP8266. You need a CH340G driver for the USB to Serial chip. Then you can program it like an Arduino UNO.

Here are some tools and documents provided by

How it use:


Dimensional drawing:



Hi John
Thanks for your response. I have installed CH340G driver. But not working. I will go through all the above link and come back.
Thanks again

HI John ,
The board is same what ever you have mentioned. I have done the configuration as per Document file. I could see some improvement like TX, RX LED was blinking while uploading the code which was not there previously. How ever I got the below error v3.0
Serial port COM3
Connecting......................................____Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\akshy\OneDrive\Documents\ArduinoData\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\3.0.2/tools/", line 66, in
File "C:/Users/akshy/OneDrive/Documents/ArduinoData/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/3.0.2/tools/esptool\", line 3552, in main
esp.connect(args.before, args.connect_attempts)
File "C:/Users/akshy/OneDrive/Documents/ArduinoData/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/3.0.2/tools/esptool\", line 529, in connect
raise FatalError('Failed to connect to %s: %s' % (self.CHIP_NAME, last_error))
esptool.FatalError: Failed to connect to ESP8266: Timed out waiting for packet header
the selected serial port _
does not exist or your board is not connected

Did you set the switches on the board so the CH340G is connected to the ESP8266? The switch diagram is on the very first page of the "How it use:" document. You want:

CH340 connect to ESP8266 (upload sketch) OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON NoUSE

Hi John

I did not do. I do not know how to set the switches on the board. I will take any one local person help. It would be good if you find any video how to set the switch and share with me

Hi John
Super. It is working now. There was small plastic paper was stick on top of 8 switches. I have removed the plastic and did on & off. Learned some thing new today with your help.
Thank you so much

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