Arducam-F REV.C and Arduino Uno R3 - Empty Image in SD card

I am a beginner in Arduino.
I am using a Arducam and Uno to take a photo and save in SD card. So I am using the demo of Arducam.

I have some problems. I can't upload last version of demo.

when I use the V1.3.0 I have a error

sketch_apr24a:40: error: 'OV2640' was not declared in this scope

And I change OV2640 for 5 and it's upload. But give me a empty image.

Can you help me??
I am doing a thesis and it is important for me.


And I change OV2640 for 5 and it's upload. But give me a empty image.

Say what?

I am doing a thesis and it is important for me.

What's your thesis topic? Obfuscation? How to be clueless? How to get others to do your work for you without even a clue?

First I'm checking if the hardware works. So I am using the Demo of ArduCAM.
when I use this code give me a error that OV2640 was not declared in the scope. So I change to 5 and works.
I don't no why when I take a picture the sd card give me a empty file.
Arducam-f rev.c
Uno r3

sketch_apr24a.ino (3.27 KB)

In Arducam.h there is a #define OV2640 5 and it should works.

I don't no why when I take a picture the sd card give me a empty file.

And you have no serial output statements to determine why?

What, exactly, IS your thesis topic?

I'm automating a table of noughts and crosses. For this I use a camera to identify the positions through the analysis of colors. Communicate with HMI and HMI with PLC

Hello Alban01,
Is your ArduCam working via SPI? regards!



My problem is resolved.
But I need to use a ethernet shield between arducam and uno. When I assembly it the program doesn´t work. Can be some communication problem because ethernet shield??
