Arduinio_Neopixel LED-number limitation on ESP32 (<70 LEDs)

I try to use a neopixel RGBW stripe with approx. 120 LEDs. My programs work fine up to 60 LEDs. When I increase the

#define LED_COUNT >70

I get the Error Message:

ERROR A stack overflow in task loopTask has been detected.

Is it a ESP32 limitation? I can´t find any solution to adress LEDs > #70!

Best regards!

If you had done a forum search you would find this in a known problem with the latest ESP32 board file. Revert to the last 2.x version.

Or use a better library like Makuna Neopixelbus

Last time I checked it also had problems with the 3.X versions

show us your code.

What did the ESP32 forum say about it before asking the Arduino forum about ESP32?

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I read about downgrading the ESP32-Boards manager package, but I only downgraded the Arduino EPS32Boards pckg and forgot to also downgrade the esp32 package. That finally did it, it works, thank you.