Arduino 0019 - Linux 64 bit?

of previous versions of Arduino there was a 64 bit linux version. for 0019 there isn't any. Is this intentional or is it still comming?

I already asked this when I noticed 19 was out - you'll likely have to wait, unless you want to check out the source and compile it yourself; I remember there being a bit of a wait for 18, too...


i'm using 0019 on Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit with no problems. All I had to do was delete the from the lib folder (If you were already running 0018 on linux, this should be all you have to do)

i'm using 0019 on Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit with no problems. All I had to do was delete the from the lib folder (If you were already running 0018 on linux, this should be all you have to do)

Just to clarify things a bit - I downloaded 0019; since I keep my old versions around (in separate directories under my home path), downloading and removing didn't work. What I had to do was rename/delete (your choice) the .so, then copy the .so from 0018 to the 0019 directory; everything works great after that!

Here's a question, though - if it is that simple (granted, you do get an RXTX version mismatch error on startup), why don't the maintainers of the Arduino project offer it (at least until a 64-bit new version of the lib is created)? Maybe they don't want the "error" (more like a warning to me) show up...

I had a feeling that something like this would work, but since I was fine with 0018, I figured I could wait 'til I got 'round to it...

Thanks for the post - now that I have 0019 up; I should probably clear out some of my older versions (so far I have 0012, 16, 17, 18 as well)...
