Arduino 1.0.5 on Windows7 64-bits ASUS N43s series laptop

I had installed Arduino 1.0.5 on my Windows 7 64-bits ASUS N43s series laptop but somehow Arduino 1.0.5 is not working properly when I want to use "Tools" tab. It is very lag and takes about 1 minute in order to show the option in the "Tools" tab. This situation is keep on repeating when I move my mouse cursor to the "Tools" tab.

Hereby I would like to ask is that anyone facing such kind or situation before ? and is that any solution for it ?

Thank you so much :slight_smile:

I have a similar issue and can't find a solution...

I'm using Arduino 1.0.5 with Wndows7 Home Premium and there seems to be some kind of incompatibility!

  1. Arduino environment takes ages to open (1 minute)
  2. then I receive a message saying "An error occurred while starting the application" insde a message window called "Launch4j"
  3. I click ok and it takes 30s more to open the ARduino window
  4. a click at any tab takes ages (again) to pull down (about 1 minute)
  5. the program compiles ok, but...
  6. the system stops completely when uploading starts !!!

--> the "board" is correctly selected
--> both Arduino 1.0.5 and my board work well when connected my other PC that runs Windows XP !
--> the board driver has been updated with "device manager"

Any idea of what is going on ?


Do you have any Bluetooth COM ports enabled on the system?

If so, disable your Bluetooth device and see if your problems go away.

See this thread for a patched RXTX:,141797.0.html

Hi Louis, Thanks for your suggestions.

I always had my bluetooth disabled, so it seems it's not the cause of the problem.
Next, I followed the link you sent and replaced both files "RXTXcomm.jar" and "rxtxSerial.dll", but the Arduino environment keeps getting stuck as soon as it starts uploading my program!

There must be something wrong with Win 7 because when I use my old PC with Win XP everything works fine!

I don't really know what to do next..... but thanks for your help, anyway! :slight_smile:

Just Disable your WIRELESS NETWORK ADAPTER & your Arduino IDE will be UP & RUNNING...

Thank you Louis Davis, my problem resolved~ :slight_smile:

my Arduino IDE work as normal~ :slight_smile: