arduino 1.6.5-r2 not compiling anything anymore?

:frowning: :o :confused: >:(

anybody here my arduino ide is not compilng anything.can you help me ?

anybody here my arduino ide is not compilng anything.can you help me ?

What are the symptoms of the problem and can you please confirm the IDE version ?

version=arduino 1.6.5
the arduino ide is just keep on going but does not compile anything

finally, it uploaded the code but took too long upload the small code though it took very less time before should i look for newer of arduino ide???

should i look for newer of arduino ide???

Try a fresh install of the one you have to start with.

i reinstalled the ide version 1.6.5, same problem taking too much time to compile
then i downloaded the lastest ide version 1.8.1 -same problem again

is there nay problem with java ??

still facing the same problem. anybody here?

finally, it uploaded the code but took too long upload the small code though it took very less time before should i look for newer of arduino ide???

How long is 'too long' ?

How much is 'small code' ?

You do need to describe the problem as accuratly as you can, we dont have crystal balls.

even the empty code its not compiling.

screenshot is attached.

just keeps on buffering on and on from last two days before that it was working perfectly.


now i have installed the latest version 1.8.1 still same problem,pls help?

What OS are you using?

windows 10

I think the next step is to use File + Preferences, and enable verbose mode when compiling and when linking/uploading. If no clue-by-four whacks you, post your output.

now done uploading but took so much time.
2 days before i deleted the temp files from location -C:\Users\Hp\AppData\Local\Temp
does that the reason of slow processing of arduino ??though the other softwares are working fine.
thanks mr.Paul s