Arduino 101 ble problem

Hi! My name is David Quincoces.
I am making a drone with arduino 101. I have done all the hardware and the software and, when i connect the arduino to de PC, it works. But, when I disconnect the Arduino from the PC and I connect it to the battery, the bluetooth BLE doesn't work. What can I do?

I have made the app with APPINVENTOR.

Thank you!

Do you have a line in setup() that waits for the serial port?

while(!Serial) ;

If so you need to remove it, then you should see the 101 on a BLE scan.

Hi Blue Eyes!

I've removed what you told, but it still doesn't works :cry: :cry: :cry:

Yo know what else could i do?

Thank you!

Post your code and define what "the bluetooth BLE doesn't work" means. I took it to mean that you could not see the 101 when scanning on your app.