...newbee to BLE.
I see examples of others (not on the Arduino forum) using these function calls but I am stuck.
First, the .addAttribute function in the BLE Peripheral class does not compile. Returns error like "Function does not exist in the BLEPeripheral Class"
Second issue: BLEDescriptor
Starting with the Battery Monitor example in the CurieBLE Library, I've added an additional Characterisitic: "MyTestChar" No problem
The problem comes when I try to add a Descriptor to a Characteristic (for instance to define the location of the sensor), the compiler bombs.
I've tried all the permutations I can think of for these declarations, but no luck.
BLEUnsignedCharCharacteristic batteryLevelChar("2A19", BLERead | BLENotify); // standard 16-bit characteristic UUID. Returns percentage units.
// remote clients will be able to get notifications if this characteristic changes
BLEDescriptor batteryLevelDescriptor("2901","My Descriptor Here");
Set Up:
BLE.setAdvertisedService(batteryService); // add the service UUID
BLE.addService(batteryService); // Add the BLE Battery service
batteryService.addCharacteristic(batteryLevelChar); // add the battery level characteristic
error returned:
/tmp/532174548/BatteryMonitor_test_copy/BatteryMonitor_test_copy.ino: In function ‘void setup()’:
/tmp/532174548/BatteryMonitor_test_copy/BatteryMonitor_test_copy.ino:56:58: error: no matching function for call to ‘BLEService::addCharacteristic(BLEDescriptor&)’
/tmp/532174548/BatteryMonitor_test_copy/BatteryMonitor_test_copy.ino:56:58: note: candidate is:
In file included from /home/admin/builder/arduino-builder/packages/cores/Intel/arc32/libraries/CurieBLE/src/CurieBLE.h:39:0,
from /tmp/532174548/BatteryMonitor_test_copy/BatteryMonitor_test_copy.ino:18:
/home/admin/builder/arduino-builder/packages/cores/Intel/arc32/libraries/CurieBLE/src/BLEService.h:50:9: note: int BLEService::addCharacteristic(BLECharacteristic&)
int addCharacteristic(BLECharacteristic& characteristic);
/home/admin/builder/arduino-builder/packages/cores/Intel/arc32/libraries/CurieBLE/src/BLEService.h:50:9: note: no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘BLEDescriptor’ to ‘BLECharacteristic&’
exit status 1