I don't like the fact that the side bar can't be turned off, or toggled on/off. For me it is just wasted space. I was glad to see that one of the fixes was to possibly prevent sketch deletion, hopefully it won't happen again to me. Up until the sketch deletion I TRUSTED Arduino software.
Edit, I just found how to make the Sketch section shrink, just click on it near the windows edge.
I just found that the Version 2.04, won't access my NAS drive where all of my project are stored. works fine on C:\ local drive. Looks like I may be using an earlier version, or possibly the one that Windows created???, it has problems too.
Thanks for taking the time to post an update. To make it more clear to anyone else who experiences the same problem and finds this topic, the visibility of the left side panel is toggled by clicking the icons on the "Activity Bar" along the left side of the Arduino IDE Window.
So, for example, if you click the folder icon on the Activity Bar to open the "Sketchbook" view in the left side panel, you can click the folder icon once more to close the left side panel.
Please provide a detailed description of what you mean by "access".
If I try to open a sketch from my NAS drive, version 2.04 chokes and says can't open file. Even though I double clicked or clicked on the selected file to open the file. The NAS path is eight or nine directories deep where the sketch file is located.
I am wondering if .... since I am not using the cloud to store my sketches that 204, can't accept a network storage protocol
I have found my problem with 2.0.4 and the NAS Drive. I had loaded an earlier version(2.0.3) that caused me to lose a file that I had worked days on.
The windows registry kept all the file preferences from the older version, unknown to me. When I loaded this new version 204, it looked in the
registry and used the old versions goto places from 203 preferences. Shortly after I removed the earlier version 203, I change my NAS
configuration from store bought to home brew, which changed the directory architecture. So problem solved, but the registry keeping all the
preferences data troubles me.
I have too many other programs that require windows, I have run red hat, it was too clunky, that was at least 10 or more years ago though. In my professional career a pc based computer running windows was all that was used. I am retired now and maybe too old for a refit.