Arduino 3.5"TFT LCD & DUE, frequency of screen updates?

Hi all!
I have never done anything Arduno related before and I am hoping someone could inform me whether this is possible.
The 3.4" TFT LCD stack/combo as seen here, can this update the screen at 30-40Hz?

What I want to do is to send bitmaps to the device and have them shown in that frequency interval, transferring using Native USB (Bulk Transfer) using C#.
Is this at all realistic?

Any feedback greatly appreciated!

A full picture is 32048016 bits , almost 2.5 Mbits
You want 30 fps => 74 Mbits/sec

Read about the fastest SPI clock speed for a DUE
You'll find your answer...: NO

Thank you very plenty for this information! I learned a bit from your answer.