I am psoting because i started a project making a 3D controller, i am having a problem running the 3D tic tac toe progeam through processing (i am aware that this might be the wrong forum to post in but i though i would give it a shot anyhow) the issue is i cant run the program, i get a window but nothing in it, if anyone has any advise that would be great.. i cant post the link to the instructable on this forum but a google zsearch of diy 3D controller arduino will get you there, its the first hit. if anyone could help me to trouble shoot the problem im havong running with this program or point me in the direction of another program i can sue this controller with taht would be great.
Also as an aside, i am a school teacher and i am very interseted in putting together a core group of cheap and relatively in expensive projects that i can hopefully turn into an after school program for students ( fith graders approcimately, but well supervised) to teach basic skills in electronics and arduino that would be fun and cool. so if anyone has any project suggestions that would be great.
Have you got it all set up or are you just trying to run the processing bit?
Check that the Arduino is spitting out numbers first by opening up a terminal session (at the right speed).
Then close that down and open up processing. Note the example has three files associated with, so all three must be in the same folder. Also you must drag the other two files into the main window so that they appear as tabs in the main window.