guys can anyone tell me whether i can use the Arduino 3G shield for controlling a Quad-rotor over web application?
and if no, can you suggest a shield type?
guys can anyone tell me whether i can use the Arduino 3G shield for controlling a Quad-rotor over web application?
and if no, can you suggest a shield type?
guys can anyone tell me whether i can use the Arduino 3G shield for controlling a Quad-rotor over web application?and if no, can you suggest a shield type?
I suppose that might work, as long as your drone is designed to be autonomous and all you're doing is sending steering commands to the autopilot. If you intended to fly it manually, I think that the 3G latency and jitter would make that impractical. There are lots of active quadrotor forums where I'm sure people will be able to offer more practical advice.
can you suggest any of these forums?
Google turned up 140,000 results in 0.27 seconds and the first page was full of forums with sensible-looking technical questions on them. It's quite a popular topic at the moment and you should be able to find plenty of help.