Arduino + 5m ledstrips powersupply


I'm trying to find a solution for my arduino and led strips.

My project has the following hardware:

5x 1m ledstrips, 60 leds/m (Adafruit DotStar Digital LED Strip - Black 60 LED - Per Meter [BLACK] : ID 2239 : $119.80 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits)

1x arduino mega 2560
1x wifi shield
3x some sensors (light / temperature etc.)
MAYBE 1x music shield

So for my powersupply:

+- 230 leds max will be on at the same time -> 230 * 0.06 = 13.8 A / 5V
And i'm not sure of the arduino / shields i'm using (what would be enough?)

Does anybody know a good solution / design (i hope a small powersupply) and preferably using 1 power cable to the outlet.

Any help would be much appreciated

12V, 10A. Add 2 or 3 step down regulators to have 5V, up to ~20A current available.
Or just go right to a 5V, hefty amp output supply
5 Volt Power Supply