Arduino 5v Pin

Hey everyone! I'm new to Arduino, so this might be a "dumb" question: is it possible to use the 5v pin on the Arduino to supply power to the Arduino? I know it is usually used for power output, but I was was wondering if it works as a power input. Thanks in advance!

  • Charles Fries

Yes, you can supply 5V to the Arduino via the 5V pin, bypasses the voltage regulator.


but their is just a vin pin.
why not use it?

You can't put 5V in the Vin pin and get 5V at the chip. You lose voltage across the reverse protection diode and thru the regulator.

oh good to know.
But would it work with higher voltage? 7-12v

Yes, 7-12V at the Vin pin will let the regulator create 5V.

oh good to know.
But would it work with higher voltage? 7-12v

....that's the whole point of it :wink:
