is it even possible to install the arduino agent on a raspberry pi
What is "arduino agent" ?
That is a plug-in for programming online
Apparently, the client code is On Github
I guess it is JS (which I have not spent any time with). Presumably, if it is installed with Chrome on the Pi it might just work. The user running Chrome would need dialout permissions to access the serial ports and upload Arduino firmware just like they would with the normal toolchain.
thanks you guys for giving me a answer.
i can't install the create agent with the terminal, it don't reconize this stripe of code
npm install arduino-create-agent-js-client --save
it is telling me that 'npm' not exists and it has also trouble with de piece of --save
is there anyone who can tell me more about the instalation
i am just a noob, if it goes about installing things with te terminal.
my english ins't toe good because i am sixteen and from Netherland
i hope that you can help me guys
I don't use javascript so this could be wrong. I think you need to install the nodejs package. So at the command line:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
# do the updates
sudo apt-get install nodejs
Raspian gets most of its packages from Debian, so that may be worth looking at to see what packages it uses.
most likely Raspian will be running the stretch-backports of nodejs (e.g. 8.11.1). After looking at the related packages, it seems npm is not added.
sudo apt-get install npm